Beach Cleanup

Plastic is one the world’s biggest problem.there are about 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide and more than one million bags are used every minute. For me I think we need to clean the plastic now because if they get into the micro plastic it will be super hard to clean them. On the 17th of September, 28 of the Liger students and around 10 foreigner from different country join us to do beach cleanup at Kep. This event happen all around the world but Cambodia never participate. So we spend half of the morning and half of the afternoon picking up rubbish at different two locations at the coast of Kep beach. We collect a total of 85 trash bags for the two locations.I really join doing this because it really wants to help and care of the environment . I was proud of myself because my group is the first ever Cambodian to participate. I was exciting that MCC (Marine Conservation Cambodia) staff come and join us too and they were all foreigner. But the most exciting part for me is that not just us and the MCC staff come to join the beach clean up, but we also get help from the the people in the community and the seller at the beach too.

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